Saturday 12 May 2012


Mystery Flower has bloomed, Pink Petunia it is!

Mystery Solved! Pink Petunia, it is!

"Dean's" Geranium is turning into a nice shade of red.


The Geranuim

Aloe Plant.

Seeds are sprouting.

Red Dragon

Sunday 29 April 2012

Potato Thoughts

Why do potatoes make good detectives?
Because they keep their eyes peeled.
I am really interested in planting some potatoes. But not "in the ground" way. There are some interesting ideas that we can do, old tires piled up or building a box. I am going to have to research a bit more. Does anyone have any suggestions?

Friday 27 April 2012

Stinky Flowers.

My son is not sure what to think of the "stinky flowers" But he did his best to look after them and help plant. He also saw a family of worms. One being the longest hes ever seen. He thought the small slower moving ones were maybe the grandparents.

Looking down on the onions

I can't say I cleaned out the rest of the garden, but did turn over the soil where my new plants would grow. Time and energy were not things I had today. But I did not want my freebiees to go to waste.

One of two batches of onions

The "special" garlic

Thursday 26 April 2012

What you SHOULD have your garden look like in the spring

What I love about the neighbour garden?
1. Things are growing,
2. It is not haunted by last years veggies
3. Did I meantion things are growing?

Shot #1
Ok, if you compliment our neighbour about the garden, he will say, its just weeds. I do not think so, theres more then weeds. My picture does not do it justice. 

Here another one, different angle.

Shot #2

I was able to ask our neighbour what is growing that is not a weed. From the far right side of his garden he has a cluster of onions. and farther to the left he has garlic. He informed me those grow every year. No planting required. The special garlic (his words) produce flowers then seeds. in the fall he covers it with leaves and waits for spring for them to grow. The onion bulbs mulitple and die and grow again. You can have green onions all year. No covering required. You do have to cut the green tops when they get too high. Cut them so the green is one inch about soil. 

After our gardening chat he did comment that I needed help. And he gave me two batches of onion and one batch of garlic. Soil and all. Cant wait to clear out the garden and plant them.

Left to Right
Garlic and Onions

What NOT to have in your garden for the spring.

So here are some pictures of what the snow uncovered this spring. A garden MESS. Really we did clean up in the fall? Or did we think it would make magic compost? Bleck.

Vegtable Garden, aka Vegtable Grave.
Left to Right
Corn, Tomatoes, Onions, Cucumbers, & Squash.

 We had pumpkin, in our *cough*Vegtable Grave*cough* But that we harvested. I cant say we used it for halloween, or pies, they were picked too soon. Pumpkins were decomposing before we could use them. Learning Curve. Interesting fact about the squash. I never planted it. Dont know how it got there, did not know what to do with it. But just went with it. It grew so well.

Blackberry Bush

Blackberry Bush purchased at Canadian Tire. I was such a small bush one/two years ago, now its almost 5Feet. I really should look into pruining it. This was my husbands pet project. He loves blackberries. We grew a total two berries on it.

Strawberries and Blueberries.

The strawberry plants were given to us by the inlaws. We have purchased blueberry plants/bushes at a few locations. not really growing well. Maybe too crowded?



Hurray, my new indoor plants are starting to bloom. I recieved these, or rather my son did, from the inlaws. They got the plants as a free give away at a local Spring & Garden Show.

Supposedly Red Geranium. Thats what the inlaws were told, no guarrentees though. The flower looks a much lighter pink then what the picture shows.

Mystery Plant, inlaws could not remember what type of plant it was. Starting to look like a petunia?

New Plant

I have purchased a Boston Fern. Always wanted one. I have discovered they are a bit trickier to take care of. Before hanging it, I had moved it around a bit and found dead leaves were falling off of it everywhere. After some research I felt the best place would be in my laundry room, right infront of the west facing window.

Saturday 21 April 2012

Things Are Coming Up

We have tulips growing in the flower garden for the first time. They appear above the soil about two weeks ago. The foliage of them seems to be a burgundy/brown colour, so at first they were hard to spot.

Front Flower Garden
A closer look at the tulips coming up.

My parent have had tulips for many, many years growing. The foliage on there's is a vibrant green. They also seem to be twice the size too. I am guessing the rapid growth has to do with the sunlight. Mine are planted in north facing shady location. My parents have them in a sunny southern light.


My four year old taught me something the other day. We had a very large squirrel in our veggie garden. I told him to look out side to see this creature. Generally my son is very interested in animals and would love to see it. Instead my son yelled out to open window "HEY YOU, GET OUT OF MY GARDEN" and it scurried away. I guess he loves the garden more.

Monday 2 April 2012

What grows inside....

Over the few years we have lived in our house I have aquired a few plants.
Left to Right
Jade Plant - Christmas Cactus - Aloe Plant

Left to Right
Geranium - Mystery Plant - African Violet

Sunday 1 April 2012

The Plan.

The plan seems simple, ask our neighbour. His garden is at least 3 times larger. It has many more varieties and I swear we never see him do any work. Ever. It really is bizarre. The challenge with asking is English is a second language for him. His lovely wife helps us with translations; she is "easier" to understand.

The Setup.

This is it, it is our make it or break it year. We have failed with the garden in the past. So much love and care in the beginning. By late August, early September we have an overgrown garden with too many very ripe veggies. We give away what we can but sadly more goes to waste.  This year is our final year if we can’t keep and maintain a garden it going to become a play area for our son in the following summers.